Popular Applications to Consider

As you’ll find out later in this documentation, there are plenty of options when it comes to the different applications you can install in your cPanel account. Here are a few applications worth considering if you’re just beginning and need a place to get started:

WordPress. WordPress is a simple-to-use blogging application. The tool also comes with a vast array of plugins & themes to allow you to create virtually any kind of website imaginable. // wordpress.org

Omeka. Omeka is an open-source web application that can be used to create and display online digital collections and archives. // omeka.org

Scalar. Scalar is a content management system with the idea of creating non-linear books on the web. // scalar.me

Grav. Grav is an open source, flat-file CMS made for folks who are looking for something a little more experimental. Grav provides a straightforward framework for creating pages and inserting media. // getgrav.org

Mediawiki. It is the open-source wiki software that runs the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. This tool may be right for you if you’re interested in publishing documents and then collaborating with others on them. // mediawiki.org

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